Select windows for a villa.
It is very important that the windows and balcony doors were harmonious with the whole building. Everything is important: their size, shape, way of opening.
Sound insulation: what affects most?
Choosing the glazing, we should not strive for the highest possible performance. The choice should be optimal balance of price and efficiency
A variety of unusual windows.
Windows of unusual shape: panoramic, arched, round, triangular, or trapezoidal will give a unique appearance to the façade and interior.
How to clean roller blinds?
Rolletes are becoming an increasingly popular window decorations due to the fact that they can easily fit into any interior.
Choose PVC window for a first grader.
The abundance of natural light, silence and optimum microclimate in the room of first graders - those are the main criteria when we are thinking of buying new windows.
Measurements: how they are made?
properly done measurement of the window opening ensures that no additional difficulties during installation will appear.
PVC windows for those who go to school for the first time.
Summer holidays will be over soon and students will go back to school, and many of them will go there for the first time in their lives. Best of all, if the parents of the first year students will ensure that their kid's room is adequately furnished and comfortable.
Plastic Windows in schools is a necessity.
Replacing old windows with new plastic ones in school can significantly affect the microclimate of the building. This will create a more conducive environment for learning.
Features of metal plastic windows.
Many customers have question what is the difference between uPVC windows and usual plastic windows? The answer is quite simple.
Where to install sliding windows.
The popularity of sliding structures is constantly growing. There are occasions when their installation is especially appropriate and effective.
PVC windows for wind protection.
Windows can have properties of energy efficiency, impact resistance, sound insulation and others. Resistance to wind loads is the property which all windows have more or less.
Remove dirt from windows after repair.
If you did not think about the protection of plastic windows during repairs in the apartment, on the white surface of the plastic can appear stains which will not be easy to remove. We have made for you a small selection of recommendations how to handle this situation
Select proper color for window decor.
Once you have decided on what window accessories you would like to see on your windows, the most important decision is choosing the right color.