Every future owner of PVC windows should be aware of how to care for such window structures. In this article we will analyze all the subtleties of caring for glazing, as it affects the lighting of the room.
PVC windows should be wiped with a damp sponge and detergent and that's almost all. PVC windows do not require special care, but it is worth remembering that you can not use aggressive chemicals. So, how to care for glazing? In comparison with care of pVC frame, the glazing is even easier to wash. It does not require special expensive equipment, it is enough to wash it with a simple home remedy or vinegar. Newspaper or ammonia solution can also be useful - they very effectively remove all contaminants. In addition, the contamination can be perfectly cleaned with suede, soaked in vinegar solution or plain warm water.
Nevertheless, the most effective means for cleaning of glazing are the detergents intended for this purpose. They are the best to cope with this task and prolong the life of your windows. Besides the usual contaminants, you may encounter the need to remove more difficult stains. If during repairs spots of paint appeared on the glazing, they should be washed with a larger amount of dissolved detergent. And traces of adhesive tape is better to remove with a nail Polish remover, but you need to make sure that this liquid with acetone content does not fall on the PVC profile, as it can be damaged in contacts with aggressive liquids.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?