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The secrets of proper usage of PVC windows.

Installation of high-quality plastic windows is very important step in creating the maximum comfort of home space. However, if you want the plastic windows have served you faithfully for several decades, is to show them a little attention. Caring for them is very simple and does not take a lot of time and effort. All rules of operation can be conventionally subdivided into 2 parts: the windows care and precautions when using them.

Provide proper care. 

Each element of plastic window has its own rules of taking care.

To care for the profile is very easy. The plastic surface has no pores like wooden one, so dust can be removed with one touch of a soft cloth or sponge that was moistened in a mild soap solution.

When washing plastic profile, don't forget to clean the furniture with a brush. Should not be used in its cleaning products that contain acid, not to destroy the coating on the metal. Once a year the moving parts need lubrication. If the sash  does not fit to the frame properly, then the fittings need adjusting. 

Care for glazing is the same as for the plastic profile, with a cloth and soap solution. It is worth to take into consideration that the transparency of the glass decreases with time. this is because the dust that falls on the glass from the outside, leads to the appearance of microscopic scratches. Therefore, in order not to increase these scratches before intensely rubbing the glass with newspaper, rinse away all dirt using a soft cloth well dampened with soapy water. 

For the sealant not to be hardened or cracked, it should be lubricated with silicone over the entire surface, removing excess with a soft cloth onece or twice a year.

When washing plastic profile, don't forget to clean the furniture with a brush. Should not be used in its cleaning products that contain acid, not to destroy the coating on the metal. Once a year the moving parts need lubrication. If the sash  does not fit to the frame properly, then the fittings need adjusting.



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