What to do if classic curtains and roller blinds seem to you equally attractive? Is it possible to combine them in the design of the same window? It's not the most traditional, but a very interesting solution, which will look great in case of correct selection of accessories.
Sunprotection roller blinds combined with thin air curtains of tulle look luxurious. Solid roller blinds are the easiest and absolutely win-win solution. However, if you spend a little more time, you can create a unique ensemble of roller blinds and lace curtains decorated with the same pattern.
The current trend is a combination of striped curtains with roller blinds with a floral pattern. It is the perfect solution for fans of English style, which has always been the combination of romance and strictness.
Curtains and rolletes can be made from the same fabric with the same pattern. But if you want a really ingenious solutions try to combine the rolletes of tissue with curtains of threads.
Regardless of which solution you like more, don't forget that anyone entering the room, pays close attention to the windows. So their design should be given enough time if you want the interior of your home made an impression.
Making a choice in favor of roller blinds, classic curtains, or compromising solution, take into account not only the personal preferences of family members, but especially design and size of the premises.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?