PVC Windows are offered in Egypt not for a long time, but there are a lot of myths have already appeared. We would like to tell the whole truth about these structures.
1. Many people think that the installation of PVC windows is a lot of dust and dirt. Of course, after installation debris will remain as well as after any other work. However, if you have prepared the workstation for installation, provided unobstructed access to the window, covered the furniture with film, then the installation process will not give you any special inconvenience.
2. Many clients are aafraid that PVC windows are environmentally unfriendly and this is probably the most common myth. It seems that if the name of the material used to make windows, is "chemical", then it is unhealthy. In fact, although PVC is the product of chemical synthesis, it carries no danger for humans. Its properties are unique, so it has found wide application in medicine and this is the main evidence of his absolute safety.
3. Conservative buyers continue to think that wooden windows are better than PVC ones. However, statistics of the United States and Western Europe, where PVC windows have beeen set for more than 50 years, says that currently about 48% of the frames are made of plastic, 25% of wood and 22% of aluminum. Plastic windows objectively win comparing with wooden ones that they do not require any special care and colouring, is not subject to deformation and cracking.
About several common misconceptions we will tell you in the next article.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?