Protection from excessive solar heat in Egypt is more than just important as every summer seems to be hotter than previous one. External shading system can effectively reduce heat helping keep coolness inside the premises. As an example of such system we can offer vertical window awnings. Thanks to them sun rays can be stopped before they reach the glass. It will allow to leave the heat outside the building. Usually installation of awnings will provide you reduction of inner temperature minimum for 4-5 degrees. Protection form overheating of new innovative external awnings is much more effective than if you use inside systems such curtains or jalousie.
We will tell you how it works. Special mesh will protect interior not only of overheating but also from UV rays. Off course awnings do not cool the air as air conditioner, therefore the difference when you enter your room from the street is more like stay in the shade under the tree.
Awnings work all the time without extra costs for cooling unlike air conditioners. Batteries of this system can be charged using solar energy which is free. If you buy "smart" system, it will protect the windows in a sunny day even if you are not at home. Due to this you can relax after hard day in a cool room. Ability to use such awnings also in apartment buildings, not only in private ones is their big advantage.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?