Window for restful sleep
Consumers often choose the window not thinking about their ability to dampen outside noise. But what exactly provides such a great noise insulation of PVC windows? These properties are due to using PVC profile which has stable shape and significant durability, sealed glazing and thick rabbet between sashes and frame
PVC profiles contain a lot of air gaps and it has steel reinforcement. Windows made of such profile are heavy enough and this feature has a positive impact on the window ability to stop the unwanted sound vibrations. But we have to remember that the frame and sashes are no more than 20% of the window, and the remaining 80% is glass. So noise insulation properties are mainly dependent of its acoustic characteristics.
Every parameter of the glazing is very important:
- Brand of used glass
- width and number of glass and cameras
- type of filling between glass panes
Laminated glass "triplex" with polymer layer effectively neutralize acoustic vibrations. However, its main task is to increase anti-burglar protection of the glass and prevent its breakage. In two-chamber glazing the effective insulation depends on how many mm is between the glasses: in case if chambers have not the same width, it reduces the effect of resonance.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?