Plastic window of white profile comprise approximately 90% of total sales. Although the companies offer a rich color palette, white remains the most popular color in the Egyptian window market. Look at any building with plastic windows and this fact will become obvious. Sales statistics confirm the same, at the second place is the beige profile, and only a few customers order colored windows.
We decided to find out why white windows are so popular. Is it true that the only reason of choosing white is that it is the cheapest option? After all, the white profile is about 15% cheaper than the colored one. However, surveys of consumers showed that this is not the determining factor of choice. Customers who prefer white plastic gave the following arguments:
The versatility of white. Plastic windows of white color will blend with any interior style, will add elegance to any solution. PVC windows are extremely durable construction and during their service the interior of the house may change repeatedly. We can change the color of walls, furniture, accessories, and regardless of these changes, white will remain at the height of fashion.
Another reason for the popularity is the brightness of white color. Customers who choose windows of irregular shape or decorated with Georgian bars consider that the white color is perfectly visible in any lighting. Because of this, it effectively highlights the features of window shape and various design refinements.
And finally, the third important reason is that white is a very positive color which has a positive effect on a person's mood. Since ancient times, it is a symbol of purity, innocence, light and freedom. In addition, it increases the optical space, a white window appears larger than it actually is.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?