First appearing in the construction industry in the middle of the last century, PVC Windows have revolutionized our ideas about the appearance of modern buildings. In our time, they have become an integral feature of any both residential buildings and industrial structures.
If we go back to the history of PVC, we are likely to be surprised by the fact that it appeared almost two centuries ago, back in 1835. It was discovered by an American chemist, but the invention was forgotten, because at the current level of technology, the production of artificial materials was very expensive. Only a century later, German entrepreneurs thought about the industrial production of polymers, and after the Second World War, they were followed by other countries, starting the production of plastic pipes, flooring, packaging materials and other goods.
Another 20 years later, plastic finally found its application in the production of Windows and won in this area the most convincing victory over other materials. Originally standing before him was a task to be less durable than wood, but the possibilities of plastic was much broader than that.
Produced in our time PVC Windows can serve up to 70 years, and during this period, the plastic will not crack and will not lose color. In addition, will not need any complex special care. Tightness of plastic structures provides reliable protection against dust, as well as excellent sound insulation.
From the 70s to the present time continues the triumphal procession of plastic Windows in countries and continents. Now PVC, as a material for the production of translucent structures, has virtually no competitors. Having appeared in Egypt relatively recently, it is rapidly gaining popularity.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?