Profile parameters. The quality of the window structure and the ability to provide the necessary properties depend on the profile parameters to the greatest extent. Important characteristics that determine the strength of the window profile are the thickness and width of the plastic. Depending on the value of these parameters, the profile can be of three classes.
The A class profile will have a thickness of at least 2.8 mm for the outer walls and at least 2.5 mm for the inner walls. Windows that are usually installed in residential buildings, have the outer walls of the profile at least 3 mm thick.
The thickness of the outer walls of the B class profile will be at least 2.5 mm, and the inner walls will be at least 2 mm. Windows of this design are not as durable as A class products. They have the worst noise and thermal insulation compared to the A class profile. Therefore, such products are usually installed in non-residential premises.
The C class profile is currently not in use. Its properties do not meet modern requirements for window structures. The width or in other words, the installation depth of the profile should not be less than 5 cm, so that such windows can provide a certain level of sound and thermal insulation.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?