Mosquito net is a necessary attribute of the plastic window, which not only protects the room from penetration of the pesky insects, but also from various dirty and dust from the street. Structurally, all mosquito nets are divided into several types:
1. Velcro nets are cheap and ideal for any profile, they are attached directly to the frame. Can easily be removed for cleaning. Suitable for hinged windows. Their main disadvantage - a small lifespan, which is compensated by the low price.
2. Framework nets are made of the profile. If it is necessary to make a net of large size one more jumper .
have to be inserted in the middle.
4. Sliding net is suitable for sliding Windows, can be installed both inside and outside. Most commonly used for balcony doors.
5. Hinged net is composed of aluminum frame of high strength, which allow to use any fabric for the net, including "Anticat". Can be mounted on a doorway of any size. For the comfort have to open in the opposite direction to that in which the door opens.
6. Rolled net is suitable for Windows and doors. The mesh moves on rails and can be retracted in the box, which is at the top. Such nets are particularly good for panoramic glazing as they allow not to spoil the view when the Windows are closed.
7. Pleated nets in addition to protective functions are also decorative. Can be a variety of shades, patterns and textures that will appeal to fans of bold interior design solutions. Made from hardened plastic, can be closed both vertically and horizontally.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?