The modern market offers a variety of external sun protection systems, so it will be not difficult to choose one to be the most suitable for your conditions and corresponding to your taste.
Roll shutters: Sheet of shutters is usually made of aluminum and filled with polyurethane foam. Such a system should have the function of automatic opening, otherwise their service will take too much time. With proper selection of locks, shutters will also help to improve the security of your home. Such shutters can also have a built-in mosquito net, thus protecting and even from annoying insects.
External jalousie: the protective properties of the jalousie are based on the appropriate location of horizontal slats thanks to which it is possible to adjust the amount of sunlight entering the room and provide a suitable microclimate. You can let in the room as much sun as you want and expenses for air conditioning will be lower.
Shutters: the market offers a huge number of modern sun protection systems, however traditional shutters still have great popularity. Thus, wood remains the most popular material for their manufacture, although it is possible to order the plastic or aluminum shutters that can be inclined or sliding.
Awnings: This kind of sun protection is usually used on the terraces or balconies. Modern technological variants can be equipped with the function of automatic opening depending on the position of the sun.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?