Arched Windows are very popular in Egypt. But they have their own characteristics.In many cases opening shutters of arched PVC Windows have asymmetric lengths of the sides. Hinges are usually mounted on the outer shorter side. When determining the opening method, the risk of contact with the upper edge of the wall surrounding the arched window should be taken into account.
This problem can be solved by using a design with a blind top, mounting the arched PVC window deeper or reducing its height with the help of a curved lining fixed to the frame. The latest method is the most popular way in the last time have European producers. However, it should be noted that this type of treatment can worsen the thermal characteristics of the arched PVC window and will reduce the amount of light in the interior.
Alternatively, you can place the hinges on a fixed imposte separating the arched window in half, instead of the traditional installation of these elements of window fittings - on the outer edges of the frame.
It is also possible to form accordingly slopes so that when opening the leaf could pass freely under them.
Deciding to install arched Windows, you should choose those whose static properties are as close as possible to the rectangular PVC Windows.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?