Production of a window from PVC is a multi-stage high-tech process.
Before the production of the profile starts, it is needed to prepare a PVC base for it. Raw materials for polyvinyl chloride production are natural gas or refined petroleum products. This material is manufactured in chemical plants. After receiving the PVC granules, they are sent to factories where they will turn into profile.
On the factory, different substances will be added to the PVC granules to get a ready profile. Properties of the profile will depend on the properties of these substances. Except quite a cheap PVC in the composition of the plastic profile are included and expensive chemical elements, such as titanium oxide, which gives the profile its famous snow-white color.
The third stage is the production of plastic Windows. For the production of a window only PVC profile is not enough, you will also need reinforcement with metal, installing glass and fittings. Steel reinforcement gives the necessary rigidity to the profile and significantly increases its ability to withstand loads. Glazing and fittings are selected by the company, which is engaged in the manufacture and installation of plastic windows.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?