In order for the installation to be carried out properly, several simple rules must be observed:
1. Carefully remove the measurements of the window opening, taking into account the mounting gaps.
2. Align and clean the window opening prior to installation. The remains of the old window should be completely removed and the flaws of the wall aligned.
3. Conduct appropriate sealing of joints between the wall and the window frame with foam to ensure proper sound and thermal insulation.
4. After the window sash is installed and closed, a seal must be made, the Windows leave closed for two days.
After the installation of the window is completed, begin finishing slopes. While the installation is in progress, the window remains in the sewn film, which is removed before the finishing of the slopes is started. The remains of the foam must be removed.
To finish slopes from within, it is possible to use plaster or plasterboard, from the outside it is necessary to use more resistant materials. the gaps are filled with silicone sealant.
The last stage is the adjustment of the fittings. Windows should be opened easily and without effort, otherwise the integrity of the structure can be broken, so it is better that this stage was also carried out by a specialist.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?