In the future window market will be strongly affected by such an innovative invention as window, able to generate the solar energy. Windows - sources of energy will greatly enhance the energy efficiency of buildings in the future.
Technology Solar window, which is an applying of special film on the glass surface in the future is going to become common and will be able to save up to 50% of the energy consumed from conventional sources.
A year ago the U.S. government endorsed the project of installation of several million power-generating windows in high-rise buildings and a line for the production of special coatings will be started shortly.
The main advantage of solar Windows is their low cost. This design is expected to be paid off during one year and this will be enough for compensation of production cost. This technology is more efficient than solar panels installed on the roof. The only downside of innovation at the moment is that so far scientists have been unable to create a coating with 100% transparency. Therefore, these windows have a shading effect that is good for very Sunny regions only.
The uniqueness of this solution is that a special coating can be applied both before and after the installation of the glazing. As a result a multilayer film gathers energy, which is then sent to a window profile which includes a generating device that is responsible for further distribution of energy throughout the house.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?