Protection against burglary will also be provided by external protective shutters. Blocking loop is one of the items rolletes can be equipped with. It makes more complicated the process of raising roller blade. In addition, they make noise during such manipulations. Sometimes only this can prevent unwanted visitors from detrimental your property. However, if you want to make your home even more secure you can integrate rolletes in alarm system which immediately closes them when thief tries to get inside.
If protective rolletes are additionally connected to "smart home" system, you can use your smartphone to swipe window for the night to swipe and to let some light in during the day even relaxing on the beach few thousand kilometers from home. Modern technologies allow to program the full range of manipulations with the rolletes in advance, so that the system of "smart home" can handle this without our participation.
A summer trip is a time of carefree pastime and rest from everyday worries. However, the holiday season also creates good atmosphere for the thieves so in this period activity of the burglars increases. Protect your windows in advance and do not worry during having rest.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?