It is known that noise level in Cairo and other major Egyptian cities is extremely high. It turns out that the street noise does not just cause discomfort but can even impact on human health. Plastic windows with increased noise protection will help to cope with this problem.
Scientists found direct connection between living in houses located near busy highways and incidence of hypertension. As it turned out, the constant street noise causes an increase of blood pressure and changes heart rate.
That is why it is very important not to put up with the problem, but resolve it by ordering plastic windows which allow you to live in comfort and coziness.
1. Profile of plastic windows
Window profile is plastic frame itself. For enhanced noise reduction we recommend to buy windows the profile of which consists of 5 chambers with a thickness of 70mm.
2. Double-glazed windows for sound proofing.
Not less important for sound insulation is the right choice of glazing since glass is an excellent conductor of low-frequency sounds. To reduce the conductivity, it is necessary to use insulating glazing consisting of 2 chambers (three glasses). This glass will significantly reduce noise, and to further strengthen the insulation, we recommend glazing with thick glasses and cameras of different thickness
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?