Residents of big cities who spend the whole day at work in a crazy rhythm, are looking forward to a quiet evening and a calm night at home. However, if you not only work, but live in the city, at any time of the day you have to put up with the hum of cars, irritating roar and many other extremely tedious sounds. If you are tired of putting up with this, then the only solution will be the installation of PVC windows because nothing else will provide you with the same level of protection against noise. Please note that not every plastic window is automatically reliable noise protection. For this purpose it is necessary to choose the window design with high insulating properties.
According to the noise regulations established for residential premises, acceptable level of noise during the day 40 dB and at night maximum of 30 dB. The constant movement of various transport near the house, construction works, production sites create noise up to 80 dB. So, high-quality plastic windows have to cope with a reduction of noise about 40 - 45 dB.
On average, PVC Windows with standard glass can provide a sound reduction up to 26-31 dB. If the glazing consists of glasses of different thickness or they are installed at a different distance, the figure can be up to 32-33 dB. The highest level of protection against noise will provide a window with a wider than normal profile and the distance between the glasses of 15-20 cm.
Several factors have an impact on level of protection against noise that plastic window can provide.
The tightness of the porch. The window design must contain at least two airtight gaskets between the components.
Do not try to save on accessories. If it is of high quality and properly adjusted, it will ensure a tight fit of the sash to the frame.
Installation should be made by professionals, because improper or defective installation will reduce to zero the cost efficiency of expensive glass and high-quality profile.
It is interesting to note that curtains, carpets, furniture and other interior items are able to increase the overall level of noise reduction.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?