It is obvious that the last years the climate has changed significantly all over the world. Egypt is not an exception, and heavy rains in winter are becoming quite usual. Windows of plastic are ready for such changes unlike wood. They are not afraid of the storm and rain, and securely retain a comfortable microclimate of your home.
All the above mentioned applies only to high-quality airtight PVC Windows. These windows are really capable of providing sufficient moisture resistance, impact resistance and sound insulation. What parameters of plastic windows are responsible for a proper rain protection? The stability of the window and its proper functioning depends on the profile. Sealing system prevents the penetration of water into the house. Noise insulating properties will help even small children not to be afraid of the lightning and thunder.
The profile should show resistance to all types of external loads. In this case, it can provide stable and continuous operation of the whole structure. Choosing high-quality window profile, you will get the confidence that it will not deform under the influence of various weather conditions.
The sealer protects the window from moisture and noise outside. No window will show its properties without a properly chosen sealing. Don't forget to clean it annually for it to serve you faithfully. Low-quality accessories can undermine the work of the seal, so its choice should be approached responsibly.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?