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PVC windows: production stages.

In order to understand the structure of the window design, we decided to tell a few words about the stages of the assembly process.

More and more customers prefer to install plastic windows. For this there are a number of reasons: efficient thermo - and sound insulation, ease of maintenance and aesthetic value. In order to understand the structure of the window design, we decided to tell a few words about the stages of the assembly process.

For assembly of PVC windows we use modern high-tech equipment. At first, a reinforcing profile is cut on a special machine. Then the holes are made in a plastic profile designed to drain excess moisture.

In the next stage holes for lock and handles should be cut in plastic frame, and then all the holes are welded in a single frame using precision equipment. After welding, the frame is polished. Then the fittings and seals are inserted in it.

And the final step is installation of the glass, final assembly of all parts and testing them on a special stand.

During the next stage should be cut holes for lock and handles in the profile, and then all the blanks are welded into a single frame using precision equipment. After welding, the frame is polished. Then the fittings and seals are inserted in it.



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