Talking about windows, we usually imagine glazed constructions in the outer wall of the house that provide natural daylight of the room. However, we rarely think about the windows in the internal walls, namely interior. However, this kind of windows has long history. But in our days it became a fashionable trend in the interior design.
These windows first appeared in South America. Such luxury designs could only have the owners of large and rich houses. Later, the fashion for such Windows appeared in other countries.
In the modern interior inner window openings are very popular, as nowadays the apartments are very spacious. The plastic window is ideal for this type of constructions. They are easy to maintain, convenient to use, the properties of the plastic allow to produce a window of any shape.
Windows can be very varied and made for different purposes. The window between the kitchen and the living room is a great way to ensure the prompt delivery of dishes to the table, while in closed position the window will not allow cooking odors in the living room.
When you install windows in the internal walls, you get brighter and more beautiful rooms as well as the additional object for decorating. It will make your home more comfortable, and the interior of the office more interesting.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?