The ancient Chinese art of organizing living space Feng Shui today is widely spread all over the world. For some people it's a fashion statement, for others a way of life, and for the rest is a kind of entertainment. In any case, the desire to harmonize life is always positive.
Professionals of Feng-Shui insist that in the house where space is organized in accordance with the rules of this doctrine, people feel more comfortable to relax and rejuvenate. In such areas, people achieve happiness and financial well-being. At the same time, the windows have a very important role, because through them the daylight enters the house.
As for windows, there is almost every option has a value from the window size to view from it. However, the glass is the most important in accordance with Feng-shui. It must be clean and undamaged. Scratched or cracked glass is unacceptable, they give way to negative energy. It is very important to keep the windows constantly clean in order not to close access to positive energy. High-quality and properly installed plastic windows fully comply with the requirements of Feng Shui, and to keep them clean is very simple thanks to the wide range of special detergents.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?