Attitudes towards people with disabilities is an important indicator of the level of society and state. Facilities for disabled people must be not only in public places but also at home, because people spend most of their time there.
The main problem of the people who have to move around in a wheelchair is a significant limitation of movement. Something that seems to be a simplest and unnoticeable action for a healthy person for wheelchair users can turn into a serious problem. Ventilation of the room or entering the balcony - is a natural need for all people, but for sitting in a wheelchair it is not so easy to do. The handle on the window is usually located at the level of the face or chest of a standing person, respectively, for a person who cannot stand up it is unavailable.
Today, many accessories manufacturers develop a special low handles that make life easier for people with disabilities. This handle is quite accessible for a wheelchair person. In addition, this handle is longer than usual one and located in a horizontal plane which reduces the force that must be applied in order to open the sash.
In the apartment, where people with disabilities live can be provided various ways of opening windows: one handle may be located in the central part of the sash in the usual position, and the another one will be located at the bottom. Thus, all family members will be able to open windows in their own comfortable way.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?