In connection with the growing demand for PVC Windows very often there is a question of PVC safety for human health. The question is very reasonable, because any person should take care of their health and do everything to surrounding objects do not harm his health. To understand the dangerous to PVC health need to know the details of the occurrence of this substance.
So, polyvinyl chloride is one of the oldest artificial materials, because it was first obtained in 1835. However, in those days he did not find application and forgot about it. 100 years later, they returned to him and began to make such products as pipes, etc.and for 80 years the whole world uses it and enjoys its wonderful qualities. Perhaps before PVC Windows were dangerous to health as they contained lead. But after the banned the use of the composition of the plastic Windows had become to others. So, that's what PVC Windows are made of today: table salt-57%, ethylene-43%. None of these components are harmful to health, because these substances surround us everywhere.
Based on the above, we can conclude that harmful PVC Windows are nothing more than a myth. Proof of this is that all medical utensils and containers, as well as Windows in hospitals consist of PVC.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?