It is necessary to understand what unscrupulous manufacturers of PVC windows can try to save on. As window is a complex structure there are ways of saving on diffrent parts of it.
1. On the reinforcing profile. To reduce the cost of the design, the companies can use too thin reinforcing profile or even not to put it. But it is responsible for the strength of the entire window, because of it keeps the shape of the frame and sashes. If there is no such reinforcing, the profile can "melt" from the heat that will damage the fittings and glazing.
2. On the plastic profile.
To reduce cost, raw materials of poor quality can be added to PVC. Depending on the added materials, it can cause the quick loss of profile's original appearance, the unpleasant smell may appear, the profile might become fragile over time, will change its color and structure.
If the profile is too thin, the whole design will lose strength very quickly and will be sensitive to the effects of temperature. Wall thickness and reinforcement profile are responsible for the reliability of the whole design. The savings on these components will cost a lot in the future.
3. On the glazing.
Glazing is responsible for transparency and maintaining the temperature in the room. Substandard glass is not perfectly transparent, can contain air bubbles. Such glazing in case of excess moisture will fog from the inside, which will require replacement of the glazing. To order the glazing separately from the rest of the structure is much more expensive.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?