Opened windows are responsible for Air in apartment, has huge influence on our health. People who sleep in the smoked room or are fond of use of chemical air fresheners, have to be considered as that all harmful substances settle in their lungs, provoking not the most harmless diseases. How to care of quality of air in the house with PVC windows and not to become the hostage of "a syndrome of the unhealthy building" to you "Eco House" will tell.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the mankind is threatened by epidemic of poor quality of air at offices, houses, cafe and conference rooms. It contains from 4 to 10, and sometimes and in 100 times more toxic substances, than air on the street. From construction materials and furniture a number of toxic substances - formaldehyde, lead, aromatic hydrocarbons evaporates. In air mixes up with particles of wool, cotton, a dust, pollen, disputes of fungi. The organism doesn't know how to get rid of them therefore they collect in lungs. In fight against this phenomenon invaluable service to us is rendered by window PVC which let in the room the sunlight killing to a bacterium, and fresh air.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?