Old wooden windows that served you for many years still should be replaced with new PVC ones for several reasons. The main drawback of old Windows - their leaks. New PVC windows are sealed, which causes their numerous advantages: better insulation, protection from noise and dust. In addition, plastic windows look much more beautiful and modern.
Leakiness of old windows has a consequence of uncontrolled inflow of cold air in winter and hot in summer, which leads to a significant increase in heating and air conditioning costs. When installing plastic Windows, the first thing You can feel almost immediately-a completely new level of thermal comfort. They have no cracks, as well as gaps between the frame and the glass, through which a cold draft will blow in winter.
Noise-proof properties of new Windows will also appear immediately, it will be especially noticeable in a big city, the quality Of your holiday will increase significantly, which of course will have a positive impact on the health of all family members.
Tightness of plastic Windows will also allow you to successfully fight dust. In a desert climate, pervasive dust can cause a lot of trouble to Housewives because of the need for daily cleaning. A sandstorm also leads to the fact that not only smooth surfaces will need cleaning from dust, but also upholstered furniture and carpets and curtains. All this will help you avoid new plastic Windows.
Speaking about the aesthetic side of the issue, we will mention that the plastic profile allows you to produce Windows of almost any shape and color. Thus, in this case, they have undeniable advantages.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?