Most of our customers wonder what is the actual durability of PVC windows as it is one of the most serious arguments in favor of buying plastic windows. Modern plastic designs of high quality indeed have a long service life. However, the plastic window is quite a complex structure consisting of several components with different lifetime.
The profile or window frame is made from plastic reinforced with metal, which gives it additional strength. These materials unlike wood do not react to various extreme weather conditions, do not crack under the action of the sun.
The second component of any window is glazing. If it is properly secured in the window frame bead, as well as the profile, it will give you decades of service without needing repair.
However, the plastic window has a component, whose life will end faster. It's the rubber seals, they need to be changed after about 7-8 years from installation date. Cleaning and oiling them on time, you will be able to extend their service life. Replacing the seals is a fairly simple procedure, which practically does not cause any trouble. Fittings also need care, otherwise over the years it will need to be repaired. Therefore, it is necessary to lubricate it at least once a year after removing all the dust from it.
Thus, the plastic window in case of proper operation is able to live decades. And if some parts will break in ten years after the beginning of operation, they are quite easy to replace.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?