Rolletes are becoming an increasingly popular window decorations due to the fact that they can easily fit into any interior. So they faithfully serve you for a long time, you need to know some rules of caring for these accessories.
Before cleaning, check the degree of their dirtiness. How to put them in order will depend on the result of this check. If they're just dusty, vacuum them and wipe with a dry cloth. If spotted, you will need to wash or them. Of course, there is a question whether it is possible to wash the fabric roller blinds.
To wash them in the washing machine is not the best idea. Fabric may lose color and warp. In any case do not remove it from the roller, so as to roll it back will be impossible without special tools. Only Roman blinds are not afraid of machine washing because they are made from a material for curtains.
If you purchased sunscreen roller blinds, you should keep in mind that the fabric they are made of is impregnated with a special composition, which protects the material from fading and deformation. To clean this fabric use a vacuum cleaner or a microfiber. Small spots with can be easily removed with an eraser. If it is spotted more serious, wipe them with a damp sponge dipped in warm water with very soft detergent. In any case, do not iron shutters. This procedure will have bad result not only for fabrics but also for the iro, as the blinds are often covered with rubber layer.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?