The care of stained glass windows has its own characteristics and different from usual. First and foremost, caring for old windows type do not buy the cleaning fluid, under their influence, the paint may dissolve. In this case, more appropriate would be dry clean from dust. If you have a new stained glass window, produced using modern technology, to care for them better to use manufacturer's recommended tools.
Many Housewives don't like to use gloves when you wash windows, but if you talk about caring for the mat glass, then you cannot ignore them. Gloves will protect the glass from the appearance of fingerprints and gentle female hands from damage.
For cleaning mat glass spray on it a cleaning agent, then wipe with a clean cloth. In the care of the mat glass it is better not to use newspaper as it can leave traces. In the case of severe contamination, a tough sponge will do a good job with them, and in more complex cases you can use sandpaper.
If on your glazing appeared stains, usually not typical for windows, you can use the following guidelines:
Stains from paint, wipe thoroughly with a saturated solution of detergent. In the case of old paint, softened stain should be gently cleaned off with a scraper. Fresh paint is easily removed with a rag moistened with ammonia. Sticky residue from tape will help to manage the liquid Polish remover, it is necessary to watch closely that it doesn't get on the plastic profile.
Following the above recommendations, you will bring your PVC windows in perfect order and will be able to enjoy their transparency and purity.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?