Fashion concerning the arrangement of the interior and window decoration changes, as in a kaleidoscope. Those who miss the classics or tired of the pursuit of new proposals restless interior designers, experts recommend to pay attention to the timeless collection of fabrics in gray tones for window decoration in the style of glamour.
Glossy materials in black and silver colors are an option for those who want to bring a touch of luxury to their apartment. Roman and classic curtains, tablecloths, chair covers and other textiles for home decor will help to transform the room beyond recognition. Such fabrics are able to soften the appearance of strict interiors, giving them a classic character. They emphasize the desire of the owner to stand out, as well as optically level the shortcomings. Depending on the chosen colors and patterns, fabrics help visually enlarge or reduce the plastic window or room. Light shades of fabrics will make the interior clearer, and dark - add clarity to the room.
The interior in the style of glamour should be full of shiny elements such as gold, silver, but above all, it should be present decorations on the Windows of shiny fabric. No less important is the color of the walls, which in this case can be rich and bold shades-purple, pink, turquoise or classic black and white. But remember that too much color and jewelry can cause discomfort. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose the color and patterns of additions.
Quality of furniture plays an important role for a glamorous style. Stylized or antique, it must be properly matched. You can paint it in bright, vibrant colors or decorate with characteristic elements. In addition, chair covers made of the same material as roller blinds or curtains on the Windows are a great way to update the decor of the dining room without spending extra money on new furniture.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?