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Geometric patterns are actual trend in window decoration


The fashion for geometric patterns which was so popular in sixties came back nowadays. Geometric shapes are a simple and reliable method of refreshing the interior. These ornaments blend well with solid surfaces, taut lines. In this case, they will be the final chord of the stylish interior.

You can choose the pattern according to your taste, as the market presents a wide range of fabrics with patterns of stripes, zigzags, lozenges, circles and squares.

Many modern interior styles based primarily on simplicity and functionality and geometry is a wonderful addition to these solutions, creating a variety of combinations with simple shapes. Geometric patterns is a perfect addition to a
modern minimalist design, they make the space more vivid and saturated.

Zigzag is one of the bestsellers of modern window fashion. Curtains or blinds with red, white or black twists are the perfect accompaniment for plastic windows.

More traditional and timeless ornament is stripes. It can be thick and thin, vertical and horizontal, two-color or combine many colors. A more femininevariant would be the combination of stripes with floral pattern that is an
integral feature of the traditional English style. Choose any option according to your taste and in line with the rest of the interior.



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