It is well known that PVC Windows are durable and their service life is 50 years. But it is necessary to remember about care of PVC Windows in order that they remained as long as possible. In addition to the profile and accessories need to take care of double-glazed Windows, and in this article we learn all the details of the care of the glass.
Dirty glass prevents the penetration of sunlight, which makes the room dark and not comfortable. So, the profile should be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth with a simple detergent. The same procedure should be done with accessories, but do not forget about the lubricant regularly every 1-2 years. Also, there are set as a seal, etc. they also should not be forgotten.
What about the double glazing? The ease of care for the glass is that it is not necessary to buy some expensive tools. It does not require special care, it is enough to wipe with a damp cloth with detergent and all. For example, if your Windows got paint during repair, then clean it with a large amount of dissolved detergent. And if on your double-glazed window there were traces from an adhesive tape, they can be removed with varnish removal liquid. But it is extremely important to make sure that the nail Polish remover does not get on the profile, because. it can damage the profile surface. Because of this, it is forbidden to apply to the profile of various aggressive components such as gasoline, acetone, etc.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?