Natural light is caused by direct sunlight and diffused light of the sky and plays a huge role in human life. This-health, restful sleep, efficiency and good mood. Illumination depends on the size of the Windows, their design and the purity of the glass. Also important is the orientation of the Windows in relation to the cardinal points.
The light from the East side is soft and extends deep into the room, so to the East, as a rule, it is recommended to have a bedroom window. Soft rays of the sun contributes to a full sleep, give the opportunity to relax and create an intimate atmosphere.
The interior with Windows facing North will be lit evenly, without contrasts, so the colors used in these rooms will look natural. Here, however, it should be borne in mind that the duration of the Sunny day will be quite short, especially in winter. In the North, in most projects is the entrance area, and often there is a good raspolazhit kitchen, utility rooms.
Southern bright light will allow the interior to literally bathe in the sun during the day, so the South is better to place the living room and most of the day these rooms will be well lit and there will be a favorable atmosphere in which the inhabitants of the house will be able to relax.
From the West it is better to plan the location of the dining room or office. Powerful rays of the sun will be able to provide a pleasant, energetic atmosphere at noon.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?