Since PVC Windows do not require special care, many customers believe that after the purchase of these wonderful designs can be generally forgotten about them. But the key word here is "special", care for them still need, though much less than the Windows of another type. In order to keep your Windows in their original form and extend their life, you do not need much.
For washing PVC Windows is quite enough simple water, soap and soft cloth. At the same time, it is necessary to wash not only the glass, but also the profile, fittings and seal. For the care of PVC Windows, there are special detergents that can be purchased in a ready-made set. It is necessary to pay special attention to accessories which need to be greased at least once a year. The load on this part of the window system is very high, so do not forget about the grease, if you want new Windows as long as possible to retain their full functionality without replacing the fittings. The seal also needs lubrication. This element is responsible for ensuring the tightness of the design, so it must fully maintain its elasticity.
It is also important to remember that the use of aggressive substances such as acetone, gasoline and various acids is strictly prohibited. The use of such substances will lead to deformation and damage of PVC. The detergent should be liquid or creamy, but not abrasive. It is recommended to use a simple soft sponge or a wet cloth.
If you follow all the rules of care, you can save your Windows in their original form.Also, they will retain all their functions, thanks to which they are gaining popularity.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?