Method 4 - New year's toys and garlands.
For decorating you can use any types of garlands, including made with their own hands.
Another interesting solution - Christmas balls, hanging on the ledge. For hanging you can use any beautiful ribbon or thread. These pendants look great when located at different heights.
The simplest way to create garland is to cut out paper snowflakes and attach them with white thread.
Method 5 - paint the window with gouache paints. The process of drawing on the window can become very addictive, especially if you do it together with the children, decorating the window in their room. Apply on glass picture in a Christmas theme and then boldly experiment, painting it in bright colors.
If you don't particularly know how to draw, use Christmas stencils. Beautiful patterns can be found online, print them on thick paper and cut out. With the help of these stencils, paints, brushes and sponge, you can create exclusive window decoration.
Method 6 - Christmas wreaths.
A very simple way, is able nevertheless to create a festive mood. You can buy ready-made wreath at any store or create it yourself. In any case, pick a pretty ribbon to fix it on the window. If it matches the color pallette of the interior, it will make your composition very harmonious.
There are many simple and not expensive ways of window decoration for the New year. With all its simplicity, they are able to create a festive mood and feeling of the fairy tale for the youngest members of your family.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?