The plastic window is not a monolithic design, it includes several components. All these parts have different service life. The plastic profile is the most durable part of the window, the average lifetime is 40 years. Glass can serve the same and even further, if the conditions of operation are satisfying. So let's chack Why manufacturers of plastic windows set much less warranty period for their products.
Not all of the details of window designs are as durable as plastic frame. There are elements that grow old and wear out for a shorter period of time.
First and foremost we are talking about the seals. Moisture, UV, too high and low temperatures and other factors reduce its service life.
The service life of fittings does not depend on the operating time but on the number of times the window was opened and closed. The more you do this, the faster moving parts will be out of order.
During installation of plastic windows are used special materials, the service life of which is also not infinite. During the natural process of settling of buildings, they can be susceptible to deformation under the weight of the window.
These elements of PVC windows have a different lifetime. Therefore, producers give a guarantee on the windows tend to exclude from it the most moving items. Most often the object of the guarantee is a plastic profile itself. Anyway, the change of these details does not cost much